Thursday, November 3, 2011

Today I am thankful for the beauty of this Earth, and for the nice fall weather. Abbie and I enjoyed taking a walk and playing in the leaves (twice). I know I said I wouldn't let her because of her habit of eating everything, but it just looked too fun. She loved playing in them, and it took awhile before she wanted to eat them.

This was the second time we went out. She started out on the grass, but then made her way over to the cement.


  1. what a sweety!!! Jayden said, "toys everywhere (the leaves)"

  2. Ok, well, I hold you personally responsible for what will happen when I put my tree up today. "But Breeeeet, Christy Crowther put HER tree up!" Haha! I cannot believe how adorable Abbie is. My kids would've gone into shock if they trapped themselves in somewhere, and she's just smiling peacefully. So cute!!
