Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Facebook is...Random

Christy and I were just hanging out the other day (a typical evening for a young married couple I hear) when Christy insisted that I take a certain quiz on Facebook. And this certain quiz just happened to be called "When will you get pregnant?". And since I instinctively knew that the correct answer ("Never") surely wasn't built into the quiz, I put up a fight. Well sure enough, I ended up taking the quiz...and for your information, the result was Jan 2011 (check the tabloids then for the full story).

Even though the quiz was odd and irrelevant, I got a kick out of an ad banner on the results page. (You'll like this Rich)
Well, my opinion of Apple's screenshot tool just went way down, but anyway, the banner informed me that 4 of my friends are idiots and that I should take their IQ quiz. And if you can't see the pictures at the top, it suggests Christy is awesome, Rich is a genius, Pablo is stupid, and Conor is an idiot. And where do you suppose the kid wearing the Wii pajamas is going to end up? Oh Facebook, you amuse me.

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