Sunday, August 28, 2011

"Super Abbie, with the power to help"

If you don't understand the title, you don't watch enough PBS kids.

Well, I am happy to say that Abbie hasn't been as fussy the last couple of days (knock on wood). She's still not the best night sleeper though. But, amazingly enough I got her to sleep in my arms at church today :)

We had quite the week. Grandma Nielsen's viewing was Monday night and then the funeral was Tuesday. Of course it was sad, but it was a very nice funeral. She'd lived a great life. Brandon was busy with school, especially because he had to make up for missing class Tuesday. He spent a few nights catching up on Law Review. It was kind of weird because his first 2 years he pretty much never spent time at night with school or work. Hopefully once he get back into the school mode he will have more time to spend with us. 

Abbie, the squirmiest girl ever, won't sit in her cute whale bathtub anymore. So, we are trying this method out. However, I have to watch her very closely because she likes to drink the water.

I can't wait for the weather to cool down a little so that it is more pleasant to go outside during the day  because Abbie loves being outside. She loves playing with (eating) the grass and looking at the trees.

Abbie playing in her gym thing- I don't really know what to call it. She loves it, although I guess when the camera comes out it is a little distracting :)

Friday, my mom and sisters came down and took us to dinner and then we played games for awhile. I was too busy playing to bother taking pictures. Abbie had fun reading books with grandma.

Saturday, we went up to Salt Lake to celebrate Dallin's 18th birthday with pizza and banana splits.

While there Amber invited me to learn a dance with her and then we were in a flash mob at the Magna Arts Festival. It was a little embarrassing but ended up being really fun. Now I can check that off my bucket list.

Shoes are cute and all to wear, but they are also yummy to eat :)

So, Abbie has a favorite tv show, Super Why. It's so cute; as soon as she hears it come on she turns toward the tv and has the biggest grin. It is one of the things that will distract her when she is fussy and whiny.


  1. I am also looking forward to the weather cooling off and spending more time outside. If you ever need some company feel free to come on over or we could sit outside together.

  2. That last picture with Abbie and super why is SOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!! -amber
