Sunday, August 7, 2011

5 down, many more to come!

Happy 5 month birthday Abbie!!!

*such a smiley, curious, happy girl*

*loves food, toys, and daddy's funny noises*

*this girl is a mover and can't sit still for very long*

*has a high pitch squeal, and talks up a storm*

*She is still a happy spitter, hates to be left alone, and definitely knows what she wants*

*she is a pro roller*

*can feed herself- although not the most efficient way*

*her newest trick is sitting up all by herself*

*she makes everyone around her smile*


  1. Abbie has learned so many new tricks in five months!I love how she feeds herself, it's so cute!

    Auntie Banana

  2. It's true..she sure makes me smile!

  3. I Love her green dress and I LOVE that she has the biggest grin in every single one of her pictures. so great :)

  4. Adorable spelled--A B B I E !
