Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Many Faces of Abbie

Christy has wanted me to do this blog post ever since I proposed it a few weeks ago, so I present to you the many faces of Abbie (complete with my interpretations of course)

Hungry Abbie

Zonked out Abbie

Content Abbie

"Stop taking pictures" Abbie

Ghost Abbie
(she can haunt me any night)

Oriental Abbie

"Dinner's Late" Abbie

"Are you Serious?" Abbie
or "You've got to be Kidding Me" Abbie

Lizard Abbie

"What are you looking at" Abbie

Sour-face Abbie

Loopy Abbie
(as in "I'm on some sweet pain medication")

Surprised Abbie

Happy Abbie

"I've got gas" Abbie

"Get the cuckies out" Abbie

and my personal favorite:
"I'm a Monkey" Abbie


  1. we took a vote and Dallin chose "Happy Abbie", Travis chose "loopy Abbie", Jayden chose "hungry Abbie", Breanna chose "gassy Abbie", and grandma chose "dinner's late Abbie". They're all adorable, but which one will we encounter when we get down there in 1 hour?

  2. I like this post, Abbie is very expressive. I love it. As for your mom's comment above, I'm going to agree with Dallin and pick "Happy Abbie" as my favorite.
