Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Headaches Galore

So, I feel like I have a lot to catch up on. Last week, I think Monday, I started getting a really bad headache that wouldn't go away, even with Tylenol and Ibuprofen. It progressed throughout the week, and was eventually in the back of my head affecting my neck. By Friday afternoon it had gotten so bad that I finally tried calling my doctor. The office was closed, so he was out, but the on-call doctor recommended going to the emergency room. After awhile my mom finally persuaded me to go to the ER. She came down and watched Abbie, while Brandon and I went. It took forever and we were there til about 2 am. They did a CAT scan- thankfully nothing is wrong. The doctor determined that they are tension headaches- he said probably because of my change in sleep and breastfeeding, etc. And then it finally occurred to me that duh, I only had a baby a couple of weeks ago, and my body is still healing. Yet, I have been going places, and doing things and I probably just need to rest. So, my goal for the week is to take a nap everyday.
Sorry, that was long and boring. Here is what you really want: pictures!

Abbie helping daddy work :)

Our cutie in her super cute hat!
Thanks Whitney!

Another one of her funny faces ;)

All bundled up in her snowsuit.
Yeah, unfortunately it did snow over the weekend.

Taking a nap with great-grandpa McDaniel.

Abbie with the birthday boy!


  1. I got the same shirt for Trevor. He loves Ninja Turtles and I love $5 Target shirt sales. Haha. I hope your headache goes away soon :(

  2. PS. I just saw your comment on my blog. I thought about having Andrew walk with me. I saw some babies at Trevor's graduation last year and thought it was so cute. But then I thought about it, and probably half of our graduating group will have a baby to walk with so it just doesn't have that WOW factor like it did at the business graduation. Plus, it was kinda awkward to shake the hand and grab the "diploma." And not the I have Andrew, I just know that he'd need to be fed and have his diaper changed while I'm sitting listening to the speaker. So, I'll probably just let Trevor take care of him.
