Saturday, January 7, 2012

10 months

 Well, here we are; another month has gone by. Abbie is now 10 months old. Double digits! Sometimes I think back and try to remember what she was like when she was younger, but it's hard to imagine her any other way than how she is now. Good thing I keep up this blog :)

 Abbie can now successfully walk. But, just because she can doesn't mean she does. She still prefers crawling, probably because right now it's faster for her. I am sure soon enough she will be running :)

She sure is a busy girl! She is really good at entertaining herself and is always busy finding new 'toys' and places to go- not that there are that many places to go in our little apartment. She is also really good at remembering where things are. She loves to go to the bathroom and into our bedroom. In Brandon's words she is a 'crazy pants'.

Any time anyone has food, she sure zips over quickly to get as many bites as possible. She is still eating baby solids mainly, but has tried many different big kid foods too. She pretty much snacks all day long :) Good thing she is a mover. She's not really gaining much weight. I think she is about 21 1/2 lbs. Which means she has pretty much outgrown her baby car seat in weight (and length). So, today while we were out we got a new one that she will be able to use until she is done needing one.

She is still sleeping through the night. Hallelujah! She goes down for the night around 7pm and gets up around 7am. We are currently transitioning from 3 naps to 2 naps during the day. She is so good at going down to sleep, usually no crying or fighting me. On the other hand, she is terrible if Brandon puts her down. I think she has learned that I will not get her out because she is crying, Brandon will. He wants to be the nice one, and it's working. She will almost always choose him over me. Yep, she is becoming a daddy's girl.

(It took many pictures to finally get a good one. She couldn't sit still long enough, and when she did she wouldn't look at the camera. )

Some other things to note.
*She has 3 1/2 teeth- meaning 3 teeth that you can see, and one that has barely cut through 
*She wears size 12 month - 18 month clothes
*She has enough long hairs to put in a little, tiny ponytail on the top of her head
*She has the cutest laugh and loves to play peek-a-boo

We feel so lucky to be her parents. She is such a blessing. We love you Abbie!


  1. What a cutie-patutie!

  2. Christy, she is so cute! It's fun to see what she's up to so I can look forward to that stage with my little Violet!

  3. I can't believe she is walking!! That is so awesome! She needs to teach Quinn a thing or two. He was in an all fire rush to get moving and now he has hit a comfortable level of transportation and gets flippin mad if we try to make him walk. haha. She looks SO cute in that dress by the way!! You have an adorable little girl!
