Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sleep, where are you?

Let me just start by saying that being a mom is a hundred times harder than I was expecting, and I wasn't expecting it to be easy. Good thing it is totally worth it. So, Abbie has a cold. Which means that her nose is constantly running, and she is not sleeping well. Two nights ago she woke up about every hour, so Brandon finally brought her in to sleep with us. Let's just say we were all very tired yesterday.

Sometimes I have to lay by her to get her to take a nap- yeah, I know it's a bad habit. But, look how cute she is when she sleeps :)

Thankfully she does have her happy moments.

Oh, and she has recently figured out how to go from sitting to laying to sitting :)

Monday night Brandon took his dad to the Weird Al concert. They had a blast!

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