Friday, June 17, 2011

Sick.. Really??

Tuesday morning I went and helped my mom at work. Of course Abbie came with me.  She was fussy, which is not normal and when she slept it was only because I had to put her to sleep, again not normal. And the naps didn't last very long. I thought nothing of it, just figured I had thrown off her routine and she didn't know how to handle it. So, being the brilliant person that I am, Sydney, Abbie, and I went up to the spa to go swimming. Stupid. We got in the water and Abbie began her 20 minutes of screaming. We got out and nothing I did could calm her down. All the people looked at me and probably wondered what in the world I was doing to her to make her scream  like that. So, we left. You can guess I was a little irritated. I went right home, thinking she would sleep better in a crib, to give her a nice long nap. Except by the time we got home she was acting happy. Yep, I was frustrated. Really, what was all that screaming about?
After a little while she got back to being really fussy and tired but had a hard time sleeping. This went on for the rest of the day. By the evening I was so frustrated with her. My family came over to give us a break, and we ran a couple of errands.

When we got home my mom said she thought Abbie might have an ear infection. Duh, why didn't I come up with the possibility that she might be sick. Yep, I am a great mom. My whole attitude changed and I felt terrible for getting frustrated with her earlier. I gave her some tylenol and that helped her sleep ok through the night.

Wednesday morning I made a doctor appointment and she and I headed to Provo. While there, her tylenol ran out and I had a miserable baby. She couldn't stop crying and even though she was hungry she wouldn't eat. The doctor checked her out and sure enough, she has an ear infection in her right ear. The doctor said that it is very rare for babies under six months to get ear infections. Well, it's rare unless you are in my family. Great, we can expect many more to come.

We left the doctor's office and I gave her more tylenol and tried to feed her again. It took a while but finally she was able to get some food in her.  The whole time I felt so bad for her because I remember ear infections being really painful. Look at those sad, red eyes :(

She fell asleep on the way to Wal-mart, where I was going to pick up her prescription. We got there and they told me it would be a 1/2 hour wait. I figured that was fine because she seemed ok for the moment and I could get a little shopping done. We ended up being there for an hour and a half. Longest trip ever, with a sick baby. Finally we got out of there, and I was so anxious to get back. I must have been a little too anxious because I ended up locking Abbie in the car. Yep, one more great thing to add to my day. It was sooo hot, and I was having a panic attack. I called Brandon and thankfully he helped me find the spare key. She was only locked in the car for a few minutes. We finally got home! What a long day, and it was only half over.
With the prescription and the tylenol in her she was feeling much better though.

So, being the great mom that I am, we headed to Lagoon. You didn't think all that would stop me from going did you? Actually, I was a little hesitant.Thankfully Abbie was pretty good, and we had fun.

Our little family on the Sky Ride

She has been doing a lot better today as long as I keep up with her meds. Hopefully her ear infection will get better soon, so we can have our very happy baby back.

And now tomorrow we are headed off for a short vacation to Lava Hot Springs. See you on the other side.

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