Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My baby girl is getting bigger

Abbie is 3 months old!

She likes to:

Play with her toys

 Roll over
Yep, in the last couple of days she has perfected the roll over from back to left side to tummy.

 Sit up

Watch tv/ movies

Play with daddy (and mommy)

Stand up

And, smile :)  (sometimes laugh)
Also, in the last couple of weeks we have gotten on a routine. Yay! I read the book On Becoming Baby Wise and found a lot of it helpful. 
She normally goes to bed around 8pm and wakes up usually once during the night (around 4pm). And she always goes right back to sleep. During the day she is on a sleep/feed/wake routine. So, she eats about every 3 hours. I am so happy there is no more snacking. I let her eat as much as she wants which is usually about 4 ounces. Then we play for awhile, usually about 1-1 1/2 hours and then she takes a nap. I don't usually let her fall asleep in my arms. If I am home then I put her in the crib awake. Sometimes she cries for a couple minutes and sometimes she goes right to sleep. 
This routine has been so great! I feel like she gets better sleep and is a lot happier when she is awake and hardly ever fussy.

She is a pretty good baby and we love her so much!


  1. Hey! I tried Baby Wise too. And Andrew only wakes up once a night too. My friend somehow gets her baby to sleep for 12 hours with that! Crazy huh?! I'm glad you're getting some more sleep. Abbie is so cute!

  2. Who knew that one little person could bring so much joy to so many people in 3 short months!
