Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Let's play catch-up!

This will be a jumble of a few things...

1) Brandon is now 24! wow, he's old :) We spent the weekend up in Salt Lake celebrating. It was a lot of fun.

2) We finally got a new car!! (like 2 weeks ago) We had to go up to Ogden to look at it and pick it up. Thanks to Rob for being willing to drive us up there!
On the way we thought it would be fun to take pictures of us holding lots of money, probably cuz it will never happen again :)His camera has a cool feature where you can pick a design and then take a picture inside of a picture. So, this is my creation. It made me laugh.

And... Here it is!!
It actually has windshield wipers that work! along with many other luxuries. I am really happy with it so far.
3) My last day of practicum was yesterday. It was a bittersweet day. I am so relieved to be done with all the nit-picky assignments. However, I really learned a lot and really enjoyed teaching those wonderful kids. The kids wrote a class note to me, saying the nicest things. Also, a few kids made things on their own to give to me. I am really going to miss being there. My teacher also gave me some books that I can use when I have my own class, and she made me a little scrapbook of pictures. She was really great, and helped me out a ton. I am definitely going to miss 5th grade!!

1 comment:

  1. I love the money shots. And I especially like that you aren't thinking money, it's in a speech bubble. Yet it's not words nor is you're mouth opened. A great speech, to be sure. Perhaps the greatest speech ever.
