Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Health care, I laugh in your face!

All of the controversy about the recent health care legislation has reminded me just how much we all need a little bit of humor in our lives. And recently, I've had more than my share, so I feel an obligation to inspire others to indulge as well.

A week and a half ago, Christy took me to see Brian Regan in Salt Lake. The tickets weren't cheap (I've been informed they were my Valentine's Day and birthday presents), but the show was amazing!

For those of you who aren't familiar with Brian Regan, he's a stand-up comedian. And he's hilarious. I got my first exposure to his comedy in the last area in my mission when my companion would quote extensively from his shows. And since then, I've enjoyed listening to the audio and especially watching clips on YouTube. Here's a sample:

Anyway, his stuff is funny no matter where you listen/see it, but it was even better in person. So good that they filled up Abravanel Hall with fans for the show. (Who does a comedy show in a concert hall?)

I can't say enough how brilliant the show was. Brian Regan has the funniest expressions, vocal inflections, and even has very insightful jokes. I felt bad because I was laughing so hard (and my laugh gets a bit on the obnoxious side in excess) that I'm sure everyone around me wished they had paid the $5 extra for better seats. But I couldn't help it.

Anyway, the point of this post is twofold: 1) to show that I really do have an amazing wife who knows what I like, and 2) to encourage a little laughter: it really is the best medicine. And if you find yourself needing an extra dose of humor in these interesting political times, failblog.org kept me chuckling for a good hour today. Enjoy!

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