Sunday, December 13, 2009

Don't "Let it Snow"

Christy loves listening to Christmas music (starting right after Halloween). And I let her enjoy the festive sounds, with a few exceptions. Every time "Let it Snow" comes on the radio, I immediately change the station. And that song just worked its way further into my blacklist.

Ever since our Taurus died a few months back, we have been borrowing my parents 1990 Toyota Corolla (which ironically was mine until Christy and I got married and went down to one car). Here's exhibit A:

Well, as you might imagine, a car that is almost as old as we are has tons of problems and needs a lot of maintenance. The heat just doesn't work. We had to completely rig up the electrical so that the tail lights work (with the down side that the dash light is gone). The list can go on and on. But the latest problem is probably one of the funniest. Last week, our windshield wipers stopped working. It's probably an easy fix (for someone with more car savvy than me), but I'm waiting for finals to be over to even bother with it.

Anyway, yesterday it just had to rain/snow while we were out on the roads. The one thing we were just hoping wouldn't happen. But don't worry, we figured it out. The passenger of the car simply had to reach out the window and move the wipers by hand. Then the driver could look through the tiny visibility hole (since we couldn't get the full range of the wipers) and navigate more or less successfully. We must have looked like idiots hanging out of the car like that, but at least we made it home safely.

So Santa, can we please have a new car for Christmas? And in the meantime, don't "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!" Thank you.


  1. Oh, I so feel your cold pain, Brandon. The heater in the mini-van has decided to go on a winter vacation, leaving us puckered and freezing!! DON'T LET IT SNOW! Or drop below 35...
