Friday, May 29, 2009

Take that worthless high school class!

In my Sophomore year of high school, I had one of those schedules that just wouldn't accomodate all of the classes that I wanted to take - go figure. So, my counselor got the privilege of choosing a few of my classes for me. My school was big into certification classes (probably because a select few of the student body would pursue higher education) and I got put into one of those, "Internet for Business".

I could have changed my schedule, but to be honest, "Internet for Business" sounded fascinating to a young nerd like me. And that was my mistake. The class was a joke. The teacher knew little to nothing about internet or business and didn't even pretend to teach. And the other 15 students were some of Cyprus High School's finest who cared less than the teacher. For a majority of the course, we were simply to look up 5 websites per day and write about what was effective and less effective about them. And after that 10 min of busy work we were free to surf the internet under very limited supervision.

The only useful thing I learned in the class was HTML coding. And I use the term "learned" very loosely. HTML was part of the curriculum for the class but our teacher merely gave us a handout with basic HTML syntax and then we moved on. I used some of my free time learning the material (and consequently I was the only one who passed the certification test despite the fact that the rest of the class cheated on it). And learning that HTML never paid off until now.

You may (or may not) have noticed that our background/layout changes regularly. That is Christy's doing. But what you will not have noticed is what is missing. That would be my doing. Have you ever visited a blog and noticed that in the upper left hand corner, there is an advertisement for somebody else's blog? I used to think they were awards given to superior blogs, but now I know better! They are just advertisements included with whatever template you may have used from their site. And all it takes to get rid of them is to delete the part of the HTML code that looks like this:

<div id="tag" style="position:absolute; left:0px; top:30px; z-index:50; width:150px; height:20px;">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img border="0" src=""/></a></div>

And if you decide to try this out, feel free to paste the above code in its place. What can I say? I'm only against the advertising if it isn't for me.

1 comment:

  1. I like your current theme and background, the greens look nice and your headpicture/banner looks good too. Classy, I like the natural look.
