Tuesday, March 20, 2012

this & that

Wow, time sure is flying. By the time I think about posting again, another week has passed. It's crazy to think that graduation is in one month! That means that I can only claim Provo as my home for one more month! Not that I am complaining I just can't believe this chapter in our lives is almost over. 

So, we have a few boxes lying around as we start to pack stuff up. Did you know that boxes are REALLY fun to play with?
The climbing never stops, she just gets better at it.
 If you can't tell she is laying between the couch and the chair.

Me with my sweet girl after bathtime

Abbie is always interested when Brandon is playing video games.  She has no chance at not liking them. Check out her serious face :)

Last night we took down our entertainment center, and threw it in the dumpster. Yay. I seriously was just waiting for the day that it would collapse. Thankfully we got rid of it before that happened. I think Abbie prefers the tv on the ground anyway :)

Mom, I thought you would appreciate this. Abbie loves her blanket. So much so that it got the privilege of eating breakfast with her today. It's funny now that she has preferences on which toys, etc. she likes best.

Well, I can't think of anything else, so there you go. I hope you enjoyed our random happenings.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the picture and info about the blanket. It made me smile. But then again ANY info or picture of Abbie makes me smile :0)
