Wednesday, December 7, 2011

9 months

Can you believe it? 
 Today we went to Abbie's 9 month checkup. Here are her stats.
Weight: 20 lbs 5 oz (77th percentile)
Height: 29.4 in  (96th percentile)
Head Circumference: 17.25 in (46 percentile)
She is still very tall, and is thinning out a little. This comes as a bit of a surprise because this girl sure can and does eat a lot. But she is also very active- I guess it is paying off. :)

I am happy to report that she has been sleeping through the night for a few weeks now. Letting her cry it out that one night sure paid off. She usually gets up around 7am about the time we like to get up, so it's perfect. She has 3 pretty regular naps during the day, unless I throw her off her schedule. Getting her to fall asleep is not much of a pain anymore. Usually she will go down with out a fight, sometimes she will cry for a few minutes. Don't get me wrong we still have those days where everything is off, but it is so much better now.
As mentioned before, Abbie likes to eat. She has 3 meals a day of baby solids plus milk, a couple of snack times of milk, and then most of the time she bugs us while we eat and so gets some of our food. Plus I think she could eat an endless supply of cheerios. The doctor assured us that this was fine- supposedly babies are smart and will stop when they aren't hungry. Also, she has 2 teeth now, both on the bottom. They aren't fully in yet, but she sure puts them to use.
Every moment she is awake she is moving around (unless sick or super tired). There is no sitting nicely on my lap or anything like that. She can stand without holding onto anything, but only for a few seconds before she gracefully lowers herself to the ground. I think it scares her. She explores everywhere and finds everything. I end up cleaning the living room floor several times a day. I also try to keep the bathroom door closed because for some reason that is her favorite place. As you can imagine, changing her diaper is quite a challenge. The trick we've learned is to do it while she is drinking her bottle or eating something with her hands- like cheerios. (Seriously, we love cheerios!! They are also very handy at church.)
She always knows what she wants and usually gets it. If she doesn't, she whines to let us know that she is not happy. She babbles all the time- sometimes to herself, and sometimes having a conversation with us.
She is usually such a good girl, and puts up with a lot from us. We are so blessed to have such a sweet girl. We love her so much and love that she makes us laugh all the time!


  1. She really is a cute girl. Glad to hear that sleeping is going better.

  2. She is ADORABLE! If you haven't noticed I am a new Christy fan- and am now stalking you....
    in a ...let's be friends way- and not a creepy way though. lol.
