Wednesday, October 19, 2011

quick update

It seems that I go through phases of blogging. Sometimes I like it and sometimes I just put it off because I don't want to. Well, I am back. Here's what we have been up to for the last week and a half.

Abbie is just keeps getting bigger. It seems like she learns something or does something new everyday. She now walks along the edge of things when she is standing up. She has also learned how to make "ooh" sounds- its pretty funny. Oh, and she finally says 'mama'! (but she says 'dada' way more often)

Can you believe that she was ever this little? 
 (2 days old, 7 months and 6 days old)

She still loves to explore and move around, but always stays close to wherever I am. I was worried that once she started crawling she would be all over our apartment. Nope.

Brandon is still going to school and working part-time. He is very busy. Luckily he still makes time for us. He really likes being a T.A. Classes are good enough, I think he is about ready to be done though. Oh, and another one of his articles is getting published! We still haven't heard back from any judges. I hate not knowing where we will go after he is done. 

I still stay home with Abbie. Most days are good. I have learned (thanks to General Conference and my mom) that if I make it a priority to get up and get ready first thing in the morning and get all the house work done, that I feel better and my day is usually more happy. Another thing that I have been trying to be better at is attending the Temple. I have started going with a couple of ladies from the ward on Friday mornings. And because Brandon doesn't have class on Fridays he can stay home and watch Abbie. I have really enjoyed doing this and hope I can continue to do so. 

Well, there you have it, a quick catch-up :)

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