Friday, September 27, 2013

2 months old

We took Luke to his 2 month appointment on Wednesday. Here are his stats:
Height: 24 inches (88 %ile)
Weight: 12 lbs. 6 oz. (52 %ile)
Head Circumference: 15.85 in (82 %ile)
He also had 3 shots which he was not very happy about. The rest of the day he was pretty miserable. :(

* Luke is such a good natured baby
* Smiles all the time :)

* Eats about every 2 hours during the day
* Good sleeper! Usually goes to bed around 9ish and doesn't wake up to eat until 5ish, and then goes back to bed til 8ish. This makes me so happy!

* Can hold head up pretty well

* Doesn't have a very good tummy. Doctor suggested I stay away from dairy to see if that helps.

* Loves to look around and often focus on things
* We call him: Luke, Lukey, bunny, buddy, Lucas (mostly by Abbie)

* Always wants to be with/by us. If he is left alone he will get sad.
* Still loves to be held

* Has recently become wiggly. He kicks his legs and sometimes seems to try to grab things.

* Has started to make sounds and will sometimes have a little 'conversation' with us.

We are so happy to have our cute little Lukey in our family!

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