Abbie is a growing girl!
I don't know how much she weighs or how tall she is but I'd bet she is in the higher percentages for both. Because she is so tall, she can get into pretty much everything! (and it drives me nuts) It's hard to find places to put things where she can't reach. She is still really good at entertaining herself, but I have to keep a close eye on her so that the house doesn't come down in pieces.
Her newest interest is watching "ma-ney" (Barney). A few times a days she asks to watch barney. She loves it so much that if it is on when Brandon leaves for work, she is ok. She sometimes sings along or follows their actions. And she knows how to stop and start it with the wii remote.
In the car she always wants to listen to 'Abbie's music'. We have checked out kid CD's from the library and she loves them. She also has this dog that sings and she loves The Itsy Bitsy Spider song and will do the actions. I've tried a number of times to get it on video but she is camera shy.
She tries to be helpful sometimes. Like when I ask her to put something in the garbage, sometimes it comes back or she finds another treasure from the garbage can to bring back to me. Or when she pulls out all her clothes and puts them in the laundry basket, because that's what we do. So, her clothes get washed a lot, because I don't always notice until they've been in the stinky basket for a while. :)
She is definitely picky about what she wants to eat at meal time. But, she sure does love to snack. She is always asking for a 'nummy'. And she's not much of a fan of eating in the high chair.
She will officially start nursery this Sunday. And believe me when I say we are super excited about it. She really does love other kids.
And of course she is always learning new words.
out, peas (please), money (which now means money and monkey), peppa (pepper or paper), nummy (means food or sometimes she is saying jammy as in pj's), ba (bath), but-to (buckle)
Have I mentioned that she loves to color? Well, she does.
I am sure there are a million other things that I should have written about, but I just can't think of them now.
Point of the story: We sure do love Abbie, and love watching her grow and learn.
2 tu tu pics...i love it. One day i will make a better one but she is just so cute in this mangled one :)