Sunday, May 23, 2010

'why oh Y'

Friday night Brandon's family came down and we set out to conquer the famous 'Y' hike! Let me be honest I was not looking forward to it. But after all was said and done I am glad I did it (for the 3rd time).

View from the bottom

Hiking !

A cool rock we saw on the way

Almost there!!

We made it to the top!!

Here's the proof :)

Yay, so happy we made it without any serious injury!
And now we can enjoy the view.

Someone offered to take a picture of the two of them.
Maybe they thought they were father and daughter??

It was great but back down we go.

So, 2.4 miles and 1 1/2 hours later, we all made it back to the bottom
We celebrated with ice cream and brownies :)


  1. Good work! I still haven't conquered the Y hike yet. Justin wanted me to do it last summer but I was 7 months pregnant and squashed that idea pretty quickly. Maybe this year we will do it.

  2. No mention of Spencer's near death experience?

    Haha, and what does it say about me that I read "11/2" hours as eleven halves hours (5.5 hours) instead of 1 and a half (which is what I'm sure you meant.)

    Yeah took me a second.
